Friday, October 08, 2010

#1 always in my heart

My parents have never really been big sports people, sure they brought me and my sisters to our softball, swimming, or volleyball games/meets, but when it comes to cheering on some big NFL, MLB, or NBA team they are clueless. I get my love of watching sports from my grandfather (a.k.a Poppy). I remember when I was younger (and still today) whenever I would visit him and my grandmother (a.k.a. Nana) up in Philly, no matter what sport we would always be watching the game. I grew up with GO PHILLIES, GO EAGLES, GO FLYERS, GO 76ERS! It’s just natural.

With that being said, I leave you with GO PHILLIES as they are taking on the Cincinnati Reds in Game 2 of the NLDS! Have a great weekend!

Completely unrelated:

...Beauty and the Beast was released from the Disney Vault October 5th. I just bought it today, and they gave me free Beauty and the Beast silly bands.

...I have yet to see the 6th Harry Potter movie (epic failure of a Harry Potter fan) I went out and purchased it today. Now I'm having a tought time deciding if I want to watch Harry Potter or Beauty and the Beast when the Phillies game is over.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

There's no need to rush

I realized something today while driving to Target with a group of my friends.

I am in no rush to grow up.

I sat in the car listening to to everyone talking about life after graduation and I realized I don't want to do it just yet. I realized how relieved I am that I did get set back with my college education because had I not I would have graduated this past spring and been forced into the "real world" with everyone else I know...and I'm just not ready for it.

I feel like it's something that everyone still expects. You grow up, move out of your parents home to go to college, graduate, get a rockin' job, get married, and have children.

But my question is, what's the rush?

I sat in this little Honda Civic with three of my friends talking about marriage, student loans being paid off, and salary jobs. All of which I am in no hurry to have to deal with. I sit there and listen to them complain about the lack of a job market. And it makes me want it all even less.

For some people, that's just how they see their life going, ironically enough I used to think that was how I wanted my life to go. But it's like I had a huge break through, an epiphany, all in the span of a few hours.

It's as if my panic attack inducing fear of being alone for the rest of my life is *poof* gone.

We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

Thursday, August 19, 2010

True Life: I'm such a nerd, but I'm okay with it

Soooo aside from being a big, huge, hopeless romantic, I am also a book nerd. Seriously. No lie. Growing up I LOVED the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast purely for the fact that he had a ridiculously amazing library with ladders, floor to ceiling shelves, and huge leather seats.

Ever since I first saw that library I was in love, and I knew I wanted one just like it in my house. Grant it, I probably won't find on like the Beauty and the Beast library, but I was reading my September issue of InStyle, and they did a little interview with Diane von Furstenberg and they showed pictures of her house. And her study/library is like my dream Beauty and the Beast library brought into the modern day. Brightly covered books everywhere, floor to ceiling shelves, ladders, and amazingly bright chairs and couches scattered everywhere.

It was perfect. Sadly, I was unable to find a picture but I will forever save that interview so I can refer back to her library someday when I have my own house to decorate, and the DvF library will be my inspiration.

[first lines]
Narrator: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 21st year. If he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?

Belle: [singing] I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell. And for once it might be grand, to have someone understand... I want so much more than they've got planned.

Beast: [singing] She glanced this way, I thought I saw... And when we touched, she didn't shudder at my paw. No, it can't be; I'll just ignore... But then, she's never looked at me that way before...
Beast: [Struggling] You... You Came Back.
Belle: Of Course I came back. I couldn't let them... Oh this is all my fault. If Only I had gotten here sooner.
Beast: Maybe... Maybe it's better this way.
Belle: Don't talk like that. You'll be alright. Were together now everything's going to be fine, you'll see.
Beast: And at least I got to see you one last time.
[the Beast Dies]
Belle: No, No Please, Please, Please don't leave me.
Belle: I love you.
[the Last Rose Petal Falls]

Cogsworth: [singing] Well, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before.
Chip: What?
Mrs. Potts: [singing] There may be something there that wasn't there before.
Chip: *What's* there, Mama?
Mrs. Potts: Shh. I'll tell you when you're older.
[kisses Chip]

Beast: I want to do something for her... but what?
Cogsworth: Well, there's the usual things: flowers... chocolates... promises you don't intend to keep...

Cogsworth: As you can see, the pseudo-façade was stripped away to reveal a inimalist Rococo design. Note the unusual inversed vaulted ceilings.
[as he, Lumiere, and Belle walk past the nights in armor, they turn their heads to follow them]
Cogsworth: This is yet another example of the late neoclassic Baroque period. And, as I always say, "if it's not Baroque, don't fix it!"
[notices the kights with their heads turned]
Cogsworth: As you were!
[the kights turn their heads back forward]

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Basically, I'm a romantic.

I've always been a hopeless romantic, maybe it was all the princess movies I watched growing up, but I just can't help it.

There is just something so exhilerating thinking about two people falling in love. I can't wait for the day when I meet that one special guy. That one guy who knew instantly that we were meant to be. The one guy who can never imagine himself with any one but me. The one guy who will love me, everything about me, and all my crazy flaws, without question.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Not you're average game of hide-n-seek

Everyone has something in their life that they hide behind; whether it's disease, death, or destruction everyone has something that they use as a shield to block others from knowing the real them.

I hide behind my Trichotillomania.

Trichotillomania (pronounced: trik-oh-till-oh-may-nee-ah) is a type of psychological condition that involves strong urges to pull out one's own hair.
Doctors used to believe trichotillomania was rare. But that thinking is now changing as experts gain a better understanding of the condition and more people come forward for help. Trichotillomania affects more girls than guys.

I've been struggling with this disorder since 5th grade. And up until about 4 months ago I had trouble actually accepting it. My mom would see my diminishing hair and try to talk to me about it and I would get extremely defensive about it and start yelling at her until she would drop the topic, but I could always tell she was worried about me.
The weekend in May that I went up to Philadelphia for my older sisters bridal shower I finally was able to admit it to my mom. It was hard, involved a lot of tears, and me making a vow to stop pulling before my sisters wedding. I can't say that at that very moment I instantly stopped pulling because in fact I didn't. I want to, oh how I wanted to stop pulling, but it's just not that easy.
The beginning of July brought so much panic to me. My sister was getting married in less than a month and I still hadn't stopped pulling. I knew she had been planning on the bridal party getting their hair done by a professional, and I was terrified. At that point I had definitely slowed down my pulling, but by no means could I say that I had completely stopped the action.
It was almost subconscious and I was doing it without even thinking about it or realizing it. I would sit down to read a book or magazine and my hand would instantly gravitate towards my head, or I'd being driving home from work and my hand would find it's way to the top of my head. It finally took me spending an entire night doing some research about Trichotillomania to figure out my plan of action. I knew that it was not going to be an easy task. It was going to be something that I would have to think about every single day for the rest of my life. On one website I read testimonials of people who were "cured" of the disorder and some of them gave some really great advice.
One woman wrote about how she would never even allow herself to put her hands anywhere near her face. By making that a rule for herself it took the focus away from just keeping her hand out of her hair and putting the focus to another body part all together. I'm not entirely sure why, but that was the biggest and best piece of advice I got from the entire website. Just a few weeks before my sisters wedding I made the commitment to myself that I would completely stop. I would go charging into battle and I would win it. There was no other option.
Currently I am 27 days of no pulling, almost a month, which is a huge accomplishment for me. I've made it a point to keep a running count of how many days I haven't pulled on a dry erase board, it has helped me so much because I get a little bit of a rush every time I get the chance to erase the old number and put up my new number of how many days I've been pull free. It sort of replaces that rush that I got from pulling my hair out to begin with.
While I being sure to take things day by day I am so looking forward to what overcoming this challenge has in the future for me. The nerd that I am had to look up the rate of hair grown (1/2 an inch per month). I was hoping I would be able to show off a new do at my grandfather's 80th birthday party but I don't think that will happen seeing as it will be in November, that would only give me about 2.5 inches. While that is a total bummer that I won't be able to rock a new style I think it will definitely look so much better that what it used to look like. By November everything will at least be filled in a not all patchy and scarce looking.
I blame my Trichotillomania for my lack of physical relationships. I'm hiding behind my lack of hair and pushing people away who try and get close to me. I know that's not a healthy thing to do, but neither really is pulling out your hair, but I still do that. I hope that conquering this mountain will help me be more open to relationships and not being such a loner all the time.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I never saw blue like that before

I went to my sorority's annual Alumnae Tea. It was amazing. It has been such a long time since I've been around some of those women and it was such a good time. I didn't realize how much I actually missed it until I was around them and reconnecting with so many people from my past. I definitely hope that since I'm back in UCF I'll be a little more able to stay in contact with some of them.

Overall a great day! <3

Kristy, Kristen, Jessica, Me, Nicole.
Family 69 <3

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Are your legs tired, because you've been running through my mind all day long.

I went out for St. Patrick’s Day with 2 of my favorite sorority sisters and 2 of their guy friends from high school – both of whom I’ve met a few times before. We had fun, went to a few different bars, drank, merriment was had.

Anywho, as we were sitting at our last bar stop before heading home we got to talking about guys pick-up techniques with women. Actually….my sorority sisters, one of the guys and me were watching the other guy from our group try and pick up a girl and fail miserably (but that is a whole other story in itself). As we sat there discussing this one guys technique, the other guy who was sitting with us said the following:

“You have to treat a princess like a whore, and a whore like a princess. It’s the only way.”

The three of us girls just sat there and were kind of like “wtf!?!” He proceeded to explain his statement. After he explained it more in detail, I have to admit it made a lot of sense in a weird and twisted way, like you know it shouldn’t be that way, but it so is…and it’s sad.

He said that if you treat a girl different than what she’s too it will draw her in because it is something new and exciting.

For the past few days I have been walking around and analyzing all of my male relationships to this standard. It’s kind of pathetic that I’m taking such a statement to heart……but for some reason I am.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Phillies Spring Training

This past Monday I went to a Phillies spring training game against the Yankees. My Philly Loves lost, but whatever it was fun. I went with some guys from work, one of their fiances, and their 5 month on baby (precious!).

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

“Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.”

My mom has been having to give me the “everything happens for a reason” lecture/chat/what have you, a lot recently.

It’s probably weird that I remember the first time she ever gave me this lecture, but I do. It was back in my senior year of high school when her and my dad had to sit me down and tell me that they were so proud of me for getting accepted into both of my dream schools (Temple University and Drexel University….both in Philly)but they couldn’t send me for financial reasons. They told me that it broke their hearts that this was the second time they had to give this talk to one of their kids because they had just done it three years prior with my older sister when she got accepted into Boston University. They had known how excited I was to go to Philly, it was like going home. My entire family is there. And for my mom, Temple University was extra exciting because it was her alma mater.

Needless to say, both my older sister and I ended up at UCF. It just made sense. We both had full ride scholarships. My mom and dad had sat both of us (my older sister and I) down at some point during our senior year and told us that “everything happens for a reason” and there was a reason that we were meant to stay in Florida and go to school. And they were, in fact, right. I mean I probably have a list miles long of people I would have never met had I gone in a different direction other than UCF; people who I know will be in my life forever. I’ve made amazing friendships through classes, sorority life, work, and even made amazing friends through other friends. And I wouldn’t trade any of them for the world – they mean so much to me.

Recently, I’ve been calling her a lot more than normal because she is the only person who can reassure me that everything is going to be okay. I tell myself every day that it is truly going to be okay. For Pete’s sake I wrote a whole blog entry about it, I ought to be able to fully believe it by now. Every time I call her in tears she says the same thing.

“Mariah, I know it’s not an ideal situation to have happened, but you know there is a purpose for all of this happening. Just think about it, had you not left UCF you would still be miserable as a Hospitality major. You would have never discovered how passionate you are for Art/Art History and being able to take the time to step back and realize that, at Valencia is a wonderful thing. I am so proud of how you have handled this entire situation and how much you have grown in the past two years.”

It’s actually a talk a lot longer than that, but that pretty much sums it up. I usually feel a million times better upon hanging up the phone after having one of these conversations with her, but recently that doesn’t seem to be the case. I feel like this stuff with UCF is a never ending fight and I am just getting tired and worn out from it, like my spirit is just being sucked from me.

I know my mom is right though. All of this is happening for a reason. Someday in the future I will look back on it and realize what that purpose was – but for now…bah...I’m just wicked confused and frustrated about it all.

“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.”

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh, hey there UCF, can I come back yet?

I turned in my UCF Readmission form the other day. For the third time.

When my I told my Mom that I did she told me congrats (in a serious way, not a sarcastic way).

I laughed at her.

I just don't see the point in giving out congratulatory remarks for something so ridiculous as turning in such an embarrassing form.

Now begins the series of hoops I have to jump through in the fight against the UCF Circus.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fortune Cookie

"Doing good thing for others
comes naturally to you."

J'adore Dior.....But Really!?

I know I am not the most fashion forward person, and if you know me I tend to lean more towards that conservative, classic types of fashion when I actually try. I definitely lean more towards the comfortable, flip flops, or boat shoes end of the spectrum rather than the 7-inch platform pump end. But, I do love me some Vogue and InStyle. I always wish I was the type of person that could pull of some of the amazing styles featured in them - maybe someday, another time, another place.

One trend that I saw in both my March Vogue and March InStyle that I most definitely don’t understand is the new trend of socks with sandals. I’m sorry, but is it Tacky Canadian Tourist month in all the fashion magazines? I don’t get it – can someone enlighten me?

Both Dior and Marni had them in their Spring 2010 collections and seriously, like I said, I don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I simply adore Dior, but really!?

Dior, Spring 2010

Dior, Spring 2010

Marni, Spring 2010

Marni, Spring 2010

Tacky Canadian Tourist, Winter 2009

Friday, February 19, 2010

"Sisters are different flowers from the same garden."

I have ‘technically’ been apart from my sorority for almost 2 years now. There was a period of time where I would pop up at random events – ones I more than likely wasn’t supposed to be at – because I just couldn’t let go, because for my first 2 years of college it had been such a huge part of my life. It was everything. My entire life in Orlando revolved around it.

I went through different phases – bitterness, disappointment, anger, hatred, betrayal. I guess they all kind of fit into the same category to most, but I can definitely remember feeling each individual feeling at different moments in time. And while my feelings for the sorority are no longer quite as angry as they once were, I will never have the same passion for the it as I once did. I shouldn’t blame all of these feelings on the sorority, the reason that things happened the way they did was because of my own fault, but for some reason blaming them made it easier on myself…for a little while.

My sorority provided me with some many amazing things during the short time that I was an active sister, things that I can’t say that I would ever want to give up. I oftentimes find myself saying that if I could go back in time, joining a sorority would be the last thing on my list of college experiences I would want to have. But then I step back and actually think of all the fun times and the amazing people I have met and almost instantly I retract that thought. I think the most important thing that I gained from it was a closer relationship with my older sister. Sitting here now it’s so weird to think that I never had a close relationship with her before sorority life, but I am so glad that we had that bond now. I am also so thankful for the lifelong friends that it has provided me - I have found Bridemaids for my wedding (someday) from my sorority, ladies who have truly become a family to me, and provided me with a home away from home, people who I would have never survived the past 2 years without.

I’ve finally accepted that I’m in a different place in my life. A place where sorority life isn’t my number one priority as it used to be (well…after school that is…and we see how far that’s gotten me)… By the way, I am fully aware that it sounds like I am talking about a break-up with an ex-boyfriend – call me a loser if you must, I don’t care.

I actually went to an event today. Today was the 1st Annual Cars, Keys and Fleur de Lis. I was instantly impressed. And it’s the first time that I can say I was proud of my Chapter in almost two years. I sat in my roommate’s boyfriend’s truck and watched girls wearing my letters – girls who I had no idea who they were, and who for sure had no idea who I was. I was totally okay with it.

Life goes on.

“People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.”

I definitely believe that every person that Kappa has connected me with is in my life for a reason. And while those specific reason may sometimes be unclear, there is always a purpose.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I just wanted to wish all of my readers a very Happy Valentine's Day. Whether you have a Valentine, or are like me and lacking one, I hope you all take some time out to spread the love! I just wanted to share with ya'll some of my favorite quotes. Enjoy!

1. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves."

2. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."

3. "The circus is a lot like love...if it's a good one, if it's truly a good one... it's beautiful and terrifying and magical... All at the same time"

4. “If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.”

5. "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.”

6. “I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”

7. "After awhile you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh."

8. “Love is like an earthquake-unpredictable, a little scary, but when the hard part is over you realize how lucky you truly are.”

9. "Love is not a feeling, it's an ability."

10. "It doesn't matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

Folks, there really must be something in the air….and for this lady right here, it is most definitely NOT love. Just wanted to clear that up from the beginning. There is no love to be seen within like a million mile radius around me. And I’m totally cool with that.

I don’t know what it is. I woke up yesterday and was just happy. Yes, I’m typically a happy person (for the most part), but this was a different kind of happy. The kind of happy that you only feel when you realize and fully understand that everything is going to be okay. The kind of happy where you are completely content with everything in your life right at this moment and cannot find a single reason to complain. Sure, you may not be where you thought you would be, but that’s okay.

I actually walked into work today a little before 10 o’clock this morning in an amazing mood…and surprisingly left the exact same way 12 hours later. And it’s weird. People notice. They notice when you spend the entire day happy and in a pleasant mood. I actually had a few people ask me what I was smoking and that they wanted some of whatever it was.

I don’t need the boy (boyfriend, fiancée, husband, sugar daddy, whatever), the white picket house thing, the 2.759 children, the gazillions of dollars, the absolutely perfect job that lets me balance said boyfriend/fiancée/husband/sugar daddy and 2.759 children with my desire to travel everywhere, see everything, do everything and skydive. There is a reason that none of that is a part of my life at this moment in time – I’m not ready for any of it and I am so glad for that. Someday, maybe? But today I'm just happy being who I am.

I mean, can you seriously imagine me with 2.759 children….awkward….

To all of my darling readers - I wish you the happiest of days tomorrow, and in everything you do!

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Little Hermione Granger Is All Grown Up

Maybe it’s just me, but I have been very impressed with the Burberry ads featuring Emma Watson.

I must admit, I have never been a fan of Burberry, it always seemed very old lady-ish to me. I can remember going shopping with my friends in high school and walking into the Burberry store and quickly walking out because it never had anything good, we would then walk quickly to the Coach store next door and be in heaven.

The past few months the Burberry ads have been my all time favorite collection of ads to look at in Vogue. To be honest, they are one of the things I look forward to in my monthly Vogue’s. Maybe it’s my undying love for anything Harry Potter (yes, I am so one of those geeks) that always makes it stand out but I just love it. Seeing little Hermione Granger all grown up just makes me so happy.

I can't say that I will be going out and purchasing an abundant amount of Burberry anytime soon, but I will definitly be more open-minded the next time I do go into one of their stores.

The first six pictures are from the Spring 2010 Burberry Collection, and the first picture is the one I found in my Vogue this month. The bottom three are from the Fall 2009 Burberry Collection. LOVE them all!

Monday, February 08, 2010

What's In A Name?

For any of my regular readers, you have obviously noticed the sudden change in my blog....the Title. I have wanted to do a little revamping on my blog recently without having to up and get a whole new this is what I have come up with.

I have always wanted a Title that just screamed "Mariah" but could never really find one. 'Inscribed In Wet Cement' never actually meant anything. To be honest, I don't even know where it came from and I always hoped that somewhere down the road I would come up with a really cool story to go with it. But over a year later, I still had nothing. So I changed it.

So, here is the story behind my name....Mariah. And no, it has nothing to do with Mariah Carey, as so many people have taken to calling me - thus resulting in my Doppelganger for the week on Facebook.

My Mother was very much into music and musicals when she was a young child. She spent many hours learning different instruments - her favorite being the piano.  She learned songs from just about every musical on the planet. She tried to pass this love of the piano onto my sisters and I, but as we all know I am not one to sit still for very long, so the piano (and any musical instrument in general) was not something I ever picked up. Her favorite musical to play from was "Paint Your Wagon" - very popular at the time (1951), but has sort of gone by the wayside in this generation; it starred a very young (and very dreamy) Clint Eastwood. By the way, my mom was not alive in 1951, don't want to give her age or anything....but she's not that old. The song that she played the most was "They Call The Wind Maria." No, I did not leave off the 'h' accidentally it is spelled M-A-R-I-A, but it is pronounced the way you say my name. Now, everytime I visit my grandparents in Philadephia I can just picture my Mom, as a young girl, sitting at the piano and playing My Song.

I have always known where my Mom got my name from but up until recently I had never actually heard the lyrics. I heard my Mom play it on the piano, but never knew exactly what the words were...just that one line..."They call the wind Maria." One summer, when I was working on the cruise ship, one of the passengers who had just adored me went out and purchased the DVD for me, thinking that it was a crime that I had not heard the entire (lyrics and all) song that was my namesake. They actually spent the entire day hunting it down when they were shopping in Baltimore after their cruise was over and delivered it to me promptly before we were departing on our next scheduled cruise. It has quickly turned into one of my favorite musicals of all times.

I like relating myself to the wind because it's constantly changing, and you can always tell how the wind (the weather) is feeling just by watching it (watching the trees, or a flag, or the waves in the ocean). They are all being moved by the wind. I too think that I am constantly changing. Always learning something new and trying to make a difference in the world. You can always tell how I'm feeling just by the look on my face and I never try to hide anything - my face is always giving away my emotions. And I also think that it is so appropriate because the wind is what moves the sails on a sailboat....and boats are one of my favorite things! =)

Just for knowledge’s sake, I looked up what the name "Mariah" means, and found out it means 'uncertain.' While at first, I must admit that I kind of took that negatively I quickly realized that it isn't necessarily a negative meaning - and I can't deny it I am very uncertain a lot of the times...and that can all go back to the constantly changing aspect as well.

So, all of that being said, Welcome to my remodeled blog!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

"Success is a journey, not a destination."

Some of my favorite posts to read on other peoples blogs are their lists. Lists of beauty products to share, their favorite things, or tips on how to achieve certain goals.

I'd like to share with you my own little list. These are just a few things that I have learned over the past few months that have helped me to succeed in different aspects of life. For me these are sort of things that I have always known, but I've been paying more attention to them recently. Hope ya'll enjoy!
1. Always walk with a purpose. Never look down or slouch. Walk swiftly with your head held high. If you look like you're doing something important then people will think that you are important - even if all you're actually doing is going to clean the bathroom.

2. Always keep a smile on your face. And while you're at it - make sure to smile, make eye contact, and (at least) nod, if not say hello to anyone you walk past. "Never frown, even when you're sad because you never know who may be falling in love with your smile." You never know whose day you are making brighter just by acknowledging them.

3. Learn to laugh at yourself and your stupid mistakes. Everyone makes them and there is no point moping around and wasting the day dwelling on them.

4. We all know how the saying goes "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." You never know who is going to try to step all over you on their climb to the top.

5. While on the topic of friends. It's better to have a few Best Friends than an unlimited amount of average friends. Once you find out who those few are cherish them - always. No matter how far apart in distance the years may take you.

6. Sweat pants are for the gym. Not for school (I don't care how early your class is); not for the airplane, train, or bus (I don't care how long your journey is); and most definitly not for work (unless you just so happen to work at the gym).

7. Always be willing to help your fellow man. Chances are if you are reading this blog right now you've got it better than hundreds of thousands (possibly millions?) of people in the world. Karma is a b-word (that rhymes with witch), so it's better to put out positive Karma as opposed to negative Karma. And always remember that whatever you give to others will return to you tenfold. If you can't financially help people, by all means be willing to volunteer your time. And don't forget to smile while doing it! =)

8. Dealing with disagreeable people? Most people who are disagreeable are unhappy with their life and feel the need to drag you down too. Don't let them get to you. When in doubt, "Kill 'em with kindness."

9. Get in the habit of spelling checking E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Facebook status', Twitter updates, text messages, e-mails, and blogs. No: "How R U doing?" or "me 2" or anything along those lines. None of these look good, and are most definitely frowned upon in the professional community. It looks cheap.

10. Always be thankful for where you are in your life. Because no matter how bad you may think it is, there is always a way that it could be worse…so be glad that it’s not.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift, that's why we call it the present.”

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about dwelling on my past, and what my future has in store for me – yes, both as separate entities. I sat here most of last night trying to blog about them and to be honest, it felt kind of old to me to be writing about the past and future – I’ve done it before. About a million times. I love to write, but I don’t want anything to be forced, like I’m doing it out of obligation, because I’m not, I’m doing it because I like to write and it’s something that I did a lot as a child and it makes me happy.

Anywho, I went through a couple different ideas that had been mulling around in my head about said past and future topic that I so wanted to write about. But nothing felt right. Then it hit me.


Why am I spending so much time focusing on both the past and future?

The past has come and gone. And everything that has happened during it is done. Can’t be changed. Every single awkward moment and failed attempt is out there. And what good is analyzing each and every single one of them? I always over analyze everything, and where has that gotten me? Nowhere. So why dwell on it?

The future is still up in the air. Who knows what it has in store for you? And while you may be working your butt off now to get to the future, you lose what’s most important – the present. Don’t ever take advantage of the fact that you’re where you are for a reason. It could be the worst or best moment of your life. But it’s these moments that create the future you – and you won’t be the person you hope to be in the future without taking time to enjoy the present moment that you’re in.

Appreciate the present because it is the only time that you live in. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” Take advantage of the time you have now because who knows how long that time lasts. Conquer your fears. Accomplish your dreams. Tell someone you love them. Do it all. Do it today.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nota Bene:

Just an FYI, the whole Navy thing has been put on the back burner for now. I was going to do it in June but then the big sis got engaged and all. I can't willing join the Navy (and be at boot camp) when I have M.O.H. duties, and the wedding in July. I promised Mom that I would try once more with UCF for August and if I get nothing from them, then September I'm doing the whole Navy thing.

Part of me wished that it actually works out with UCF, and part of me doesn't.

Happy 24th Anniversary of MLK Weekend!

This past weekend happen to be Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. I was lucky enough to get to venture up to D.C. and visit my older sister and her fiance. I helped them do a little planning. Tagged along on random outings to paper stores (for invitations), dress stores (for the obvious), and reception halls (duh). Chimed in with my opinion, when asked, not over-stepping any bridal boundaries, and provided a little comic relief when differing opinions got heated.

I had quite the adventure from the moment I stepped off the plane. Mom and Dad were supposed to pick me up from the Baltimore airport, having decided to forgo the rental car and just rely on Jordan's car (a 1989 Volvo, mind you) and the D.C. Metro (by far more reliable than aforementioned Volvo) as means of transportation, Murphy's Law kicked in. Jordan's car decided to break down a block away from her apartment as they were coming to get me. So, me with large suitcase in hand (well, on wheels) decided to figure out the train/subway/bus route between Baltimore and Washington D.C.

Everyone knows my amazing ability to get lost anywhere, no lie, I have even gotten lost driving down to south Florida and all that entails is hopping on I-95. Yeah, judge me. I'm even judging myself right now. I was hoping since I didn't have to do any of the actual driving I might actually be able to get by without getting lost. Wishful thinking that was. Let me count the ways I managed:

1) in the airport. Couldn't find the baggage claim, bus stop, or even the information desk. I blame it on poor planning on the airports end. Not my own. 2) the train station. Couldn't find the right ticket counter to buy my $6 MARC train ticket to Union Station, almost gave in and purchased a $35 Amtrak train ticket to Union Station because I was so frustrated and people in Baltimore were not being helpful. 3) once at Union Station I had to catch the Circular Bus. Was unable to find the parking garage that the bus stop was located in and almost ended up on a Metro that would have taken me in the complete opposite direction. Finally, a homeless man, who had already seen me pass by a million times pointed me in the right direction. 4) once I was sitting on the bus, map in hand, confused look on my face, waiting for us to leave the Union Station bus stop, a friendly fellow bus rider asked me where I was headed and if they could help me in anyway. I pointed to the general location that I wanted to go on the map and they pointed to a bus that had just pulled out and said "you need to be on that bus." Great. 5) I got on the correct bus, but almost got off at the wrong stop. I mean really, why exactly would you have TWO bus stops called 'Navy Yard' on the same bus route, and blocks apart?

Laugh. Go ahead. I give you permission. That's the point. I often times laugh at my own stupidity.

I finally, ended up finding my parents on the street corner across from Jordan's apartment waiting for a tow truck for the Volvo.

Just in case you were wondering...

We saw snow.

We got eaten by dinosaurs.

We sold slaves.
Side Note: We DID NOT sell slaves. Obvi. This building (currently the City Hall for Alexandria, VA) was once a slave market (where slaves had once been sold. You know, before Honest Abe and all).

We drank in the park.

We went to church.

We got mooned.

We drank copious amounts of Bailey's. Yum.
My apologies for the picture being was from my cell.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dear John

I just finished reading my 3rd Nicholas Sparks book. The first 2 are probably obvious, The Notebook and A Walk to Remember, but the 3rd one is going to be his most recent book that has been turned into a movie, Dear John. Out of the 3 books, Dear John is the first one that I have read before seeing the movie, and it is by far my favorite. Obviously, I'm not going to give away anything that happened in it for those of you who are going to see it on Febuary 5th when it comes out in theaters, but trust me, it would definitly be worth going to see! I will more than likely be a bawling mess when I go and see it, suprisingly enough I managed to keep it together throughout the entire book up until the last 3 pages...for some reason those last 3 pages just got to me.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to post a video on here. I Googled it, and cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it soooooooo here is the link for ya'll to go check it out.

Dear John Offical Trailer