Friday, December 25, 2009

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

I just wanted to take the time out to wish everyone out there a very Merry Christmas. Don't ever forget that Christmas isn't about how many presents that you get, but it's about the friends and family that you are with. Happy Birthday Jesus!

“I heard the bells on Christmas Day; their old familiar carols play, and wild and sweet the word repeat of peace on earth, good-will to men!”

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

"A picture is a poem without words"

The past semester I have been taking a few art classes (Drawing I and Design I) to prepare myself for going back to UCF in August (I started the classes before I decided on the Navy btw). We have one week left of classes and then finals the week after. Needless to say, we are done doing all of our at for the semester. I thought I would share some of pieces (the good, the bad, and the ugly).

Drawing I: this is the first still life that we did in class. It's a little loose and unfinished looking because it was the first one that we did. Gray tone pastels.

Drawing I: this was one of our homework assignments for still life. More complete looking than the first one, but still very loose looking.Gray tone pastel.

Drawing I: yet another still life. Shows a little bit more depth and what not. Gray tone pastels.

Drawing I: another still life. More complex objects (column and bust). Value reduction - covering the entire page with black charcoal and then using different textured erasers to draw the objects.

Drawing I: still life. Value reduction. My favorite piece.
Drawing I: natural object still life. Cow skull. Ink wash and charcoal pencil.

Drawing I: natural object still life. Homework assignment. Pumpkin and squash (it was around Halloween, so of course I took advantage. lol). Ink wash and charcoal pencil.

Drawing I: natural object still life. Value reduction.

Drawing I: self portraits. Gray tone pastels. I HATED doing these. I have a whole collection of random drawings that definitly look like people (extremely awkward looking people) but they look nothing like me. Proportions are off.

Drawing I: landscape/random twisted tree. The assignment was to do a landscape scene, but I ended up accidentally zooming in to much on the tree and not getting enough detail in the background. It is definitly not anywhere near being complete, but this is all I could complete in class. Ink wash and charcoal.

Design I, Assignment #1: we used a white piece of cardboard and black construction paper and had to cut out at least 65 of the same geometric shape (that we made up) in different sizes. The whole point was for it to be a study of negative space.

Design I, Assignment #2: kind of the same as the first assignment. But we had to have at least 65 pieces (combined) of black or grey, and organic (the curvy shapes) or geometric (the angled shapes). Another study on negative space.

Design I, Assignment #3: we had to take 5 different print sources and make 5 photocopies of each and make a collage out of them. We had to photocopy them in black & white so they had that "photocopied texture" as my professor said. I'm pretty sure she's legit insane.

Design I, Assignment #4: a study on grey tones. every single "shape" is a different value of grey. We all had to create our own pattern for this. She told me to enter this one in the spring Valencia art show. **btw, I'm a dumbass and forgot to crop this one and Blogger wouldn't let me delete it. Lame.**
Design I, Assignment #5: this assignment was kind of the same thing as the above but with color. We had to use 5 colors out of the 6 we had (red, yellow, green, blue, black, white) and make different colors with them. But every new color that we mae had to have at least a little of all 5 colors that you picked. I used red, yellow, blue, green, and white. My professor also told me to enter this one in the spring art show. The photo for this one and the one above really don't give them justice. They are really cool looking in real life - all the colors and lines kinda vibrate together.

My final thought of the day:

Sunday, December 06, 2009

When did we actually start growing up?

I was at work today and got a phone call from my older sister, that in it's self was odd because nowadays we pretty much keep in contact via email and text messages due to both of our randomly busy schedules. After I didn't answer I got a text message from her, "answer your phone asap!" I was instantly concerned. My first reaction, someone had died. Worried, I head back into the break room at work and call her back. She answers the phone and all I hear is:


Obvi, the answer was yes, I'm pretty sure that was a given since, well, forever. I'm not even anywhere near being engaged and the one thing I am 100% sure about is that my older and younger sister will be standing next to me when I am getting married.

I was bouncing around work the rest of the day. I couldn't wait to get out and call my sister back and get all the important details.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Want Fabulous

Ever since I was younger I have known that Florida was not the place for me. I love it dearly, and it will always hold a sentimental place in my heart since I have lived here about 16 out of my 21 years of life, but I have always envisioned myself someplace more. After graduating high school financial reasons kept me in Florida for college even though I was so itching to get out. Everyday my graduation from college (hopefully UCF, but potentially UNF) creeps closer and closer, even if it is still 2 years away. With my graduation comes the big leap into the ‘real world’ which I have been awaiting for many years, all the struggles that I have been through will finally be laid to rest and I can move on with things. My first step I know will be to move out of state…I know I belong someplace fabulous, I can just feel it. New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, London, Paris, anywhere – I know Philadelphia doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the group, but my heart is there, my family is there. After everything that I have been through I deserve nothing less than fabulous, but I know it demands that I work hard for it and I am more than willing to do so.