Some of my favorite posts to read on other peoples blogs are their lists. Lists of beauty products to share, their favorite things, or tips on how to achieve certain goals.
1. Always walk with a purpose. Never look down or slouch. Walk swiftly with your head held high. If you look like you're doing something important then people will think that you are important - even if all you're actually doing is going to clean the bathroom.
2. Always keep a smile on your face. And while you're at it - make sure to smile, make eye contact, and (at least) nod, if not say hello to anyone you walk past. "Never frown, even when you're sad because you never know who may be falling in love with your smile." You never know whose day you are making brighter just by acknowledging them.
3. Learn to laugh at yourself and your stupid mistakes. Everyone makes them and there is no point moping around and wasting the day dwelling on them.
4. We all know how the saying goes "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." You never know who is going to try to step all over you on their climb to the top.
5. While on the topic of friends. It's better to have a few Best Friends than an unlimited amount of average friends. Once you find out who those few are cherish them - always. No matter how far apart in distance the years may take you.
6. Sweat pants are for the gym. Not for school (I don't care how early your class is); not for the airplane, train, or bus (I don't care how long your journey is); and most definitly not for work (unless you just so happen to work at the gym).
7. Always be willing to help your fellow man. Chances are if you are reading this blog right now you've got it better than hundreds of thousands (possibly millions?) of people in the world. Karma is a b-word (that rhymes with witch), so it's better to put out positive Karma as opposed to negative Karma. And always remember that whatever you give to others will return to you tenfold. If you can't financially help people, by all means be willing to volunteer your time. And don't forget to smile while doing it! =)
8. Dealing with disagreeable people? Most people who are disagreeable are unhappy with their life and feel the need to drag you down too. Don't let them get to you. When in doubt, "Kill 'em with kindness."
9. Get in the habit of spelling checking E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Facebook status', Twitter updates, text messages, e-mails, and blogs. No: "How R U doing?" or "me 2" or anything along those lines. None of these look good, and are most definitely frowned upon in the professional community. It looks cheap.
10. Always be thankful for where you are in your life. Because no matter how bad you may think it is, there is always a way that it could be worse…so be glad that it’s not.
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