Friday, February 19, 2010

"Sisters are different flowers from the same garden."

I have ‘technically’ been apart from my sorority for almost 2 years now. There was a period of time where I would pop up at random events – ones I more than likely wasn’t supposed to be at – because I just couldn’t let go, because for my first 2 years of college it had been such a huge part of my life. It was everything. My entire life in Orlando revolved around it.

I went through different phases – bitterness, disappointment, anger, hatred, betrayal. I guess they all kind of fit into the same category to most, but I can definitely remember feeling each individual feeling at different moments in time. And while my feelings for the sorority are no longer quite as angry as they once were, I will never have the same passion for the it as I once did. I shouldn’t blame all of these feelings on the sorority, the reason that things happened the way they did was because of my own fault, but for some reason blaming them made it easier on myself…for a little while.

My sorority provided me with some many amazing things during the short time that I was an active sister, things that I can’t say that I would ever want to give up. I oftentimes find myself saying that if I could go back in time, joining a sorority would be the last thing on my list of college experiences I would want to have. But then I step back and actually think of all the fun times and the amazing people I have met and almost instantly I retract that thought. I think the most important thing that I gained from it was a closer relationship with my older sister. Sitting here now it’s so weird to think that I never had a close relationship with her before sorority life, but I am so glad that we had that bond now. I am also so thankful for the lifelong friends that it has provided me - I have found Bridemaids for my wedding (someday) from my sorority, ladies who have truly become a family to me, and provided me with a home away from home, people who I would have never survived the past 2 years without.

I’ve finally accepted that I’m in a different place in my life. A place where sorority life isn’t my number one priority as it used to be (well…after school that is…and we see how far that’s gotten me)… By the way, I am fully aware that it sounds like I am talking about a break-up with an ex-boyfriend – call me a loser if you must, I don’t care.

I actually went to an event today. Today was the 1st Annual Cars, Keys and Fleur de Lis. I was instantly impressed. And it’s the first time that I can say I was proud of my Chapter in almost two years. I sat in my roommate’s boyfriend’s truck and watched girls wearing my letters – girls who I had no idea who they were, and who for sure had no idea who I was. I was totally okay with it.

Life goes on.

“People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.”

I definitely believe that every person that Kappa has connected me with is in my life for a reason. And while those specific reason may sometimes be unclear, there is always a purpose.


MM said...

Loved this post- I think the best part about Kappa is the fact that everyone is so different. And that you can always go back. I'm glad you did- the newer girls are different, but they have so much to offer our chapter. I'm happy the event made you proud! Take care, Mariah!