This past weekend happen to be Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. I was lucky enough to get to venture up to D.C. and visit my older sister and her fiance. I helped them do a little planning. Tagged along on random outings to paper stores (for invitations), dress stores (for the obvious), and reception halls (duh). Chimed in with my opinion, when asked, not over-stepping any bridal boundaries, and provided a little comic relief when differing opinions got heated.
I had quite the adventure from the moment I stepped off the plane. Mom and Dad were supposed to pick me up from the Baltimore airport, having decided to forgo the rental car and just rely on Jordan's car (a 1989 Volvo, mind you) and the D.C. Metro (by far more reliable than aforementioned Volvo) as means of transportation, Murphy's Law kicked in. Jordan's car decided to break down a block away from her apartment as they were coming to get me. So, me with large suitcase in hand (well, on wheels) decided to figure out the train/subway/bus route between Baltimore and Washington D.C.
Everyone knows my amazing ability to get lost anywhere, no lie, I have even gotten lost driving down to south Florida and all that entails is hopping on I-95. Yeah, judge me. I'm even judging myself right now. I was hoping since I didn't have to do any of the actual driving I might actually be able to get by without getting lost. Wishful thinking that was. Let me count the ways I managed:
1) in the airport. Couldn't find the baggage claim, bus stop, or even the information desk. I blame it on poor planning on the airports end. Not my own. 2) the train station. Couldn't find the right ticket counter to buy my $6 MARC train ticket to Union Station, almost gave in and purchased a $35 Amtrak train ticket to Union Station because I was so frustrated and people in Baltimore were not being helpful. 3) once at Union Station I had to catch the Circular Bus. Was unable to find the parking garage that the bus stop was located in and almost ended up on a Metro that would have taken me in the complete opposite direction. Finally, a homeless man, who had already seen me pass by a million times pointed me in the right direction. 4) once I was sitting on the bus, map in hand, confused look on my face, waiting for us to leave the Union Station bus stop, a friendly fellow bus rider asked me where I was headed and if they could help me in anyway. I pointed to the general location that I wanted to go on the map and they pointed to a bus that had just pulled out and said "you need to be on that bus." Great. 5) I got on the correct bus, but almost got off at the wrong stop. I mean really, why exactly would you have TWO bus stops called 'Navy Yard' on the same bus route, and blocks apart?
Laugh. Go ahead. I give you permission. That's the point. I often times laugh at my own stupidity.
I finally, ended up finding my parents on the street corner across from Jordan's apartment waiting for a tow truck for the Volvo.
Just in case you were wondering...
We saw snow.
We got eaten by dinosaurs.
We sold slaves.
Side Note: We DID NOT sell slaves. Obvi. This building (currently the City Hall for Alexandria, VA) was once a slave market (where slaves had once been sold. You know, before Honest Abe and all).
Side Note: We DID NOT sell slaves. Obvi. This building (currently the City Hall for Alexandria, VA) was once a slave market (where slaves had once been sold. You know, before Honest Abe and all).
We drank in the park.
We went to church.
We got mooned.
We drank copious amounts of Bailey's. Yum.
My apologies for the picture being was from my cell.

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